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Once you’ve browsed through the wide array of used vending machines for sale here on our site and have determined the right machine for you moving forward, the next step is sorting out where exactly you’ll be placing your machine. In the vending machine business, location is everything. Here are some of our favorite high-traffic locations:



Call Centers

Customer support centers and collections agencies have 24/7 rotations of high-energy employees who are always operating at full speed. Soda machines, especially those that can be stocked with energy drinks, always perform well in these environments. Snack machines work great as well; many of these employees take lunch at their desks so they don’t fall behind.

Parks and Rec Centers

Busy parks and rec centers are filled with families and kids who are always ready for a cold drink or quick snack. Be sure to browse through our outdoor-rated used vending machines for sale and our special protective locks and cages.

Manufacturing Plants

Manufacturing plants also have 24/7 rotating shifts of employees who often don’t have time to leave the building for lunch or dinner. Soda and food vending machines do quite well in these types of locations, as there’s not really another option for any employee looking for a mid-day drink/snack. Multiple machine placements may even work for large facilities. Finding the perfect vending machine location takes work, but once you have the right machine in the right place you should immediately see a return on that investment. For further information or inquiries please contact us at 800-592-4220 or visit