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Inchy is Gearing Up for a New School Year

Students have been out of school for almost half the year, in some parts of the country even longer. But schools are gearing up for the return to school this fall, and so is Inchy the Bookworm and his famous Inchy the bookworm vending machine. You have plenty of options to get your customized book vending machine in your school.

Why Choose a Book Vending Machine

Since kids have been out of school for a much longer time than expected. Getting them excited about returning to school might be a tough obstacle to overcome. For the younger students, a book vending machine has been the answer to that problem. Most of the students might not be ready for the return back to school. Some kids might even want to act more than usual. This is why our book machines take special tokens that are awarded to students with good behavior, good grades, or action which is deemed worthy of being awarded a token for a book.

Funding for Vending Machine

Plenty of schools across the nation have found great success in bringing Inchy the Bookworm to their school district. Success in student engagement, as well as student behavior. You would think that kids aren’t as interested in reading books as they used to be, But they are more interested in reading now more than ever. But how do you get funding for your machine?

How do I pay For a Book Vending Machine?

Many districts have access to grants which can allow you to purchase your machine through that specific grants. You can find out more about grants for a book vending machine by contacting us at Global Vending Group. But some other schools have been getting help from their students creating a fundraiser. Like Liam from Waco Elementary in Waco Kentucky who has taken to youtube to gain funding for his schools book vending machine. He has his own YouTube channel @LiamOutLoud. Creating his own video in regards to his funding campaign. This alone proves that students want these machines in their schools.

Customize Your Machine

We don’t only offer the Book Vending Machine to you, we also offer the option to completely customize it to your school district. We can help you choose the right books you want to put in your vending machine. But you have the option to choose whatever books you want as well. We can point you in the right direction.

To learn how to get funding for your Inchy the Bookwork Book Vending Machine call 866-468-0272 today!!!